
All publications are available at

Book Edition

J.P. Laumond, N. Abe,
Dance Notations and Robot Motion.
STAR Series 111, Springer, 2016.

Book Contributions

J.P. Laumond,
Simplexité et Robotique : vers un génie de l'action encorporée.
in Complexité-Simplexité, J.L. Petit and A. Berthoz Eds, Collection "Les Conférences du Collège de France", 2014.

P. Salaris, N. Abe, J.P. Laumond,
A worked-out experience in programming humanoid robots via the Kinetography Laban.
in Dance Notations and Robot Motion, J.P. Laumond and N. Abe Eds, STAR Series 111, Springer, 2016.

J.P. Laumond,
Robotics: Hephaestus does it again.
in Robots and Art - Exploring an Unlikely Symbiosis, D. Herath, C. Kroos and Stelarc Eds, Springer, 2016.

J.P. Laumond,
Embodying Movement.
in Céleste Boursier-Mougenot – A case of study, S. Bianchini and E. Quinz Eds, AC Books, 2016.


J.P. Laumond,
Athéna, Héphaïstos et la Robotique.
1024 - Bulletin de la société informatique de France, Vol. 2, 2014.

J.P. Laumond, N. Mansard, J.B. Lasserre,
Optimality in Robot Motion: Optimal Versus Optimized Motion.
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 57, N. 9, 2014.

M. Benallegue, F. Lamiraux,
Estimation and Stabilization of Humanoid Flexibility Deformation Using Only Inertial Measurement Units and Contact Information,
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 12(3), 2015.

J.P. Laumond, N. Mansard, J.B. Lasserre,
Optimization as Motion Selection Principle in Robot Action.
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 58, N. 9, 2015.

M. Sreenivasa, K. Mombaur, J.P. Laumond,
Walking paths to and from a goal differ: On the role of bearing angle in the formation of human locomotion paths.
PlosOne, Vol. 10, N. 4, 2015.

M. Garcia, O. Stasse, J.B. Hayet, C. Dune, C. Esteves, J.P. Laumond,
Vision-guided motion primitives for humanoid reactive walking: decoupled vs. coupled approaches.
International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 34, N. 4-5, 2015.

P. Salaris, C. Vassallo, P. Souères, J.P. Laumond,
The geometry of confocal curves for passing through a door.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 31, N. 5, 2015.

I. Becerra, R. Murrieta-Cid, R. Monroy, S. Hutchinson, J.P. Laumond,
Maintaining strong mutual visibility of an evader moving over the reduced visibility graph.
Autonomous Robots, Vol. 40, N. 2, 2016.

J.P. Laumond,
Grasping versus Knitting: a Geometric Perspective
Physics of Life Reviews, 2016.

M. Campana, F. Lamiraux, J.P. Laumond,
A gradient-based path optimization method for motion planning,
Advanced Robotics, 2016.

J. Carpentier, M. Benallegue, N. Mansard, J.P. Laumond,
Center-of-Mass Estimation for a Polyarticulated System in Contact - A Spectral Approach,
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2016.

J.P. Laumond,
Anthropomorphic action in robotics,
Science (to appear)


M. Benallegue, F. Lamiraux,
Humanoid flexibility deformation can be efficiently estimated using only inertial measurement units and contact information,
IEEE International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2014.

J. Carpentier, A. Del Prete, N. Mansard, J.P. Laumond,
An analytical model of rolling contact and its application to the modeling of bipedal locomotion,
IMA Conference on Mathematics of Robotics, 2015.

J. Carpentier, M. Benallegue, N. Mansard, J.P. Laumond,
A kinematics-dynamics based estimator of the center of mass position for anthropomorphic system - A complementary filtering approach,
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2015.

P. Salaris, C. Vassallo, P. Souères, J.P. Laumond,
Image-based control relying on conic curves foliation for passing through a gate,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2015.

J.P. Laumond, M. Benallegue, J. Carpentier, A. Berthoz,
The Yoyo-Man,
International Symposium on Robotics Research, 2015.

G. Saurel, M. Taix, J.P. Laumond,
transHumUs: a poetic experience in mobile robotics,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2016.

J. Carpentier, S. Tonneau, M. Naveau, O. Stasse, N. Mansard,
A versatile and efficient pattern generator for generalized legged locomotion,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2016.

G. Kumar Hari Shankar Lal Das, B. Tondu, F. Forget, J. Manhes, O. Stasse, P. Soueres,
Performing explosive motions using a multi-joint arm actuated by pneumatic muscles with quasi-DDP optimal control,
IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, 2016.

N. Blin, Michel Taïx, P.Fillatreau, J.-Y. Fourquet,
I-RRT-C : Interactive motion planning with contact,
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2016.

G. Kumar Hari Shankar Lal Das, B. Tondu, F. Forget, J. Manhes, O. Stasse, P. Soueres,
Controlling a multi-joint arm actuated by pneumatic muscles with quasi-DDP optimal control,
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2016.

G. Maldonado, P. Souères, B. Watier,
Optimal criteria of parkour landing,
22nd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 2016.

J. Mirabel, S. Tonneau, P. Fernbach, A.K. Seppälä, M. Campana, N. Mansard, F. Lamiraux,
HPP: a new software for constrained motion planning
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2016.

Technical Report

J. Mirabel, F. Lamiraux,
Constraint Graphs: Unifying task and motion planning for Navigation and Manipulation Among Movable Obstacles,
Technical Report LAAS-CNRS, 16030, 2016.